When exams beckon…

November. That month.

That month when exams force their way through all resistance and become our best friend with an evil smile, and you just have to live with it.


It’s pretty much the same story with every Delhi University student; we hate this month through and through.

What’s worse is that it’s only when we have absolutely mundane things to study that all sorts of fantastic things come into mind! I could think of so many USEFUL things I could do, things really worth my while, and I was…stuck.

But, after these exams get over, you are just left staring into space wondering what to do with life!?

Such is the irony of life.

After 5 days of this pointless existence (yes, I’m facing that too), I’ve decided to pull myself together. I’m going to try and put all those wonderful, “useful” plans into action and it starts with this blog!

What are you up to this winter break? Comment!

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