“That” turning point

Hello everyone!

I must say this is an exciting beginning to 2015. My New Year resolution was to start a blog, and voila! I’ve actually managed to put this into action on the 3rd day itself! (A rare exception in my list of New Year resolutions)

Welcome to “The Turning Point”- the experiences of a 19 year old college kid, who has waaaay too much time on his hands (but still wonders how time flies), deeply philosophical (you’ll see), with an interest in sports and public speaking.

As to why I decided to call this blog “The Turning Point”, well this has a story to it.

Yes, as we go through life, we come encounter a lot of experiences that leaves a mark on who we are and how we perceive the world (philosophical, told you). All of these are turning points. And these are things worth contemplating on, for they actually tell us who we are and what we are made of and change us in some way or the other.

But some turning points are… Turning Points. They leave a BIG mark, and literally change the direction of our lives.

Mine came when I was 18 years old, and was fresh out of high school. Sitting around the dinner table, we were all talking about random things in our daily lives, when all of a sudden, my aunt quips, “Saurab, why don’t you go with your uncle to Toastmasters?”

(Toastmasters International is a global non-profit organisation that works to improve its members’ communication and leadership skills)

I didn’t want to. In school, I was a total introvert, who would rather sit in a corner with a novel and lose myself in another world. But, after a lot of persuading and cajoling, I went. And the rest, as they say, is history.

A year and a half later, I have completely changed! Among a horde of other things that this experience has done to me, it is also the reason I started this blog. Hence, that major Turning Point.

So, let’s see if this particular New Year resolution sticks, shall we?

Until next time!

(Note: I have since then, changed the name of my blog. To know why, click here.)

15 thoughts on ““That” turning point

  1. Welcome to Blogsphere, a world of bloggers,where you will meet many like you. You will make many new friends. i am sure you will like this new experience!!The theme that you have chosen for your maiden entry is appreciable!! You have written wonderfully well..Kudos!! Accept my best wishes and congrats


  2. I still remember u calling toastmasters ‘stupid’ even before attending the first meeting and look, it turned out to be the best thing in your life . Few things just take you somewhere u don’t even expect it to …so keep going 🙂 and i love your blog ^_^


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